National median rental price rises $130 since covid
Impact of new eviction law on rental properties
Bay of Plenty average rent overtakes Auckland as priciest region
The pitfalls of fever kiwis owning homes and more renting
Bad tenants ruin chances for others in emergency and traditional housing, says iwi leader
Families struggling as Bay of Plenty overtakes Auckland as priciest region in the country
‘It’s insane’: Tauranga mum-of-three struggling to find a home
Landlord buckle under high interest rates as rental demand soars, migration rises
Rents under pressure amid high migration to New Zealand and landlords selling up
Bay of Plenty rentals: Locals living in cars, garages, motorhomes.
Rental ‘war’: Government under fire over leasing perks for landlords.
Couch-surfing and living in cars: More over 65s retire without own home and can’t afford rent.
Tauranga rental price and struggles forces mother to move daughter to new school.
Garage advertised as bedroom to rent for $250 a week a sign of ‘desperate times’.
Tauranga median rent price reaches all-time high, single mum on the move facing $200 increase.
Landlords eye up lucrative holiday rental market, others sell up as bad tenants hard to move on.
New data show Bay of Plenty was the most expensive place to rent last month.
Rentals Soar to $1000 a week in Tauranga
Tauranga Rents Jumped $130 per week in Four Years
Tauranga Rental Crisis – Listings down almost 30%
Tauranga rental crisis – Aucklanders fleeing lockdown add pressure to BOP rental market
Jabbed or not? Tenant vaccination status a ‘moral dilemma’ for Landlords and Tenants.
Tauranga mum unable to find rental says she is being discriminated against over children
Landlords selling up fearing future slum
Landlords face rhetoric of abuse as rents continue to soar
Housing policies ‘leaving Bay of Plenty first-home buyers out in the cold’
Radio New Zealand Audio – Tauranga housing supply squeeze getting tighter.
Tauranga Tenants lower standards, group together to get results.
Rental agency has no rentals on their books
Support and scepticism over new Tauranga council waste collection service
Tenancy law changes – what do they mean for domestic abuse victims
What sweeteners desperate tenants are offering landlords
Tauranga Dog Owners online plea to find pet friendly rental
Tauranga Tenants struggling to make ends meet as rents rise and demand soars.
Need a Tenant? Government will pay market rent for your house.
Exodus: Tauranga Landlords exit property market amid new regulations, but new opportunities created.
Revealed: Which Tauranga Schools are most popular
Tough Times could be ahead for Tauranga Renters as demand outstrips supply.
Tauranga Rental Shortage: Property Investors returning to the market but Tenants are struggling.
Solo Parents Face Rental Struggles
Property Expert: ‘Rocks in your head’ if you think rents in Tauranga will drop.
Virtual Inspections for Tauranga Rentals
Corona Virus: New Rental rules hit landlords hard, say experts
Tauranga Property Managers swamped by student rental hunters
Rising Tauranga Rents put strain on families
Tenancy Law Reforms slated by Landlords and Industry
Transitional Housing in Tauranga cost Taxpayers more than $9 million dollars
Bay of Plenty rental market experiencing shortage
More than 400 new homes on cards for Gate Pa Tauranga
‘Way to Far’: Laundry bedroom for rent at $80 a week in Welcome Bay, Tauranga causes uproar.
Desperate Times, desperate tenants, in Tauranga housing short fall.
Average rent close to $300pw
No end in sight for city’s growing rental shortage
Renter reluctance sees high-price properties sit
Outrageous’ rental market forces families to live in bush
Dog owner may have to leave to find suitable rental home
Renters face tough times with prices up 8 per cent
Fight for rentals in Tauranga escalates
Bay of Plenty Rents reach record levels
Tauranga Agents Welcome new Meth House Standards
Renters Sublet to Avoid Soaring Costs
Tauranga’s Soaring Rents Spreads to Regions
Rent Rises add extra $6000 to Annual Rent Bills
Soaring Rents Force Tauranga Kindergarten to Consider Closure
Families Move Back Home as Tauranga Rents Soar.
Meth Testing a Cowboy Industry
Rent Rises Leading to Overcrowding
Trade Me Shows Rents Starting To Fall in Bay of Plenty
Tauranga Rentals have Grown year-on-year but Steady of Winter Months
Heat Going out of Tauranga’s Rental Market
Renter Flee Rising Rental Prices
New Meth Testing Report: What it Means for Property Owners & Tenants
Western Bay of Plenty rents continue to soar except for one suburb.
Transitional Housing Trap: record rents and big social housing waiting list
Tauranga rentals increase $255 over 20 years
Letting Fees to be Axed – Who will pick up the bill?
Tauranga mum of 7 says she is being discriminated against by Selective Landlords
Local Focus: ‘This whole town has become one big Airbnb’
Would You Buy a Home With a Stranger
Renters still battling to find homes as university brings influx of students
Maori student had rules laid out after potential landlord found out her ethnicity.
Proposed tax an ‘Assault on Kiwi way of Life’ – Simon Bridges
Tauranga student speaks out about shock after landlord asked ‘Are You Maori?’
Rental Crisis in Tauranga causing distress and desperation for those who need a home.