Your Newsletter this month focuses on Tenancy Agreements and what is now required.
These are the forms we are now required to include as part of any new or altered Tenancy Agreement
The “Healthy Homes Standards Statement” has to tell your Tenants what type and age of your Smoke Alarms, what heating there is if any, what and where, “Insulation Statement” showing the rating of Insulation in the Dwelling (you cant just say it has Insulation and it complies with law), is there ventilation in each bathroom and kitchen which must be vented to the exterior, if you have a subfloor does it have a moisture barrier (polythene sheet sealed around every internal foundation block and around the perimeter), drainage is to an approved storm water system, all draughts eliminated from the house, “Asbestos Survey” to keep your Tenants and Tradespeople aware of any danger to their health, “Methamphetamine Test” before and after every Tenant (makes Tenants aware we are watching for drug use), Insurance Policies must be available to Tenants and point out who the Insurer is and what the excesses are.
As the Government adds more Compliance Legislation for Residential House Rentals it is becoming more time consuming for everyone involved in the Industry, whether you are a Professional Property Manager or a Private Landlord, these changes also mean there will be more costs.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if we can be of any service if you don’t already use our Management Services
Dan Lusby AREINZ – REINZ Accredited Property Manager
Principal Officer
Tauranga Rentals Ltd MREINZ – REINZ Accredited Property Management Company
Office: 07 5711025
Mobile: 0274979662